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Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Out of the 140 million tax returns filed in the United States every year,
about 1.4 million make an adjusted gross income of over $380,000 a year.
Now imagine if there were 1.4 million undead zombies roaming the country.
They’d be everywhere!
Most would agree that a top 1% income is rich wherever you live. However,
 some will say you’re just middle class if you’ve got to pay for private school
tuition in cities such as San Francisco, New York, Paris, and London! Given
it is one of our mantras to always describe ourselves as middle class, being
called financially average is a blessing.
Regardless of what your true financial definition of rich is, your mission if you
choose to accept is to lock down one of the 1.4 million+ rich people the IRS
knows about to marry you. The one tautology about money is that once you
have money, you don’t worry as much about not having money. And when
you worry less about money, you get to fight more about all the other joys
in a relationship.
This article will provide some insights into how single men with over
$380,000 a year in income or net worths of over $1 million dollars think
about women and marriage. Once you understand such a man’s fears and
hopes, you are well on your way to living the good life!


* I must be dreaming. Most wealthy men are self-made. They may have 
studied hard in school, took some calculated risks, worked even harder 
on their ventures, and struck lucky gold. They know what it’s like to be 
middle class or lower because that’s exactly where they toiled for most 
of their lives. They’ve made far more than they’ve ever imagined possible 
and can’t believe their luck. There is a constant awareness that the good times 
can’t last forever. In fact, there is a paranoia that one day they’ll wake up to 
see everything they’ve worked for disappear. As a result, they keep on working 
to make their dreams happen, never taking for granted what they have.

* Nobody is going to give me anything. Given most rich men are self-made, 
they strongly do not believe in entitlement. Nothing is deserved which is not 
earned. Given this type of stance, sometimes they can be very harsh on those 
who are receiving some type of assistance from the government, friends, or family 
members. It takes time to assuage such a man to see another’s point of view as a 
result. Men want to see that a woman is independent or on her way to being 
financially independent through self-struggle.

* Women who know what they want are most attractive. Nothing turns a rich man 
on like a strong woman who is successful in her career or business. The woman 
who goes for glory piques the most interest. Rich men constantly search for those 
who they can find their equal or superior. She doesn’t have to be rich. Instead, 
she can be superbly talented in something that he is not e.g. musical instrument, 
language, singing, dance, art, etc.

* Why should I ever settle down? Rich men have a larger selection of women 
thanks to women being more accepting of rich men. You will see 4s go out with 
8s all the time and nobody ever bats an eye because it’s so common in places 
such as New York City and San Francisco. Given a rich man’s mental conditioning, 
he will logically assume he is more handsome, more charismatic, and funnier 
than he really is. It really doesn’t matter if he’s not because he continues to get 
outsized attention from the ladies.

* Please don’t waste my time. Although everybody’s time is finite, time is much 
more precious to a rich person because the dichotomy between time and money 
is wider. Rich men have less patience for relationship games and long term 
courtships. He needs to know whether she wants him or not. None of this “I’m 
in a weird place right now” while she goes off and dates multiple men. A rich 
man has no problem being a friendly suitor who meets up on random occasions. 
But there is no way a confused woman will ever snag herself a stable rich man.

* If only I had someone to share my money with. There will come a time in every 
rich man’s life when he’ll realize the pointlessness of making more money if there’s 
nobody to spend it on or with. He may accumulate so much that he won’t mind 
being a sugar daddy to someone who doesn’t fit any of his criteria for the ideal 
woman so long as she enjoys his company. He would rather be with someone 
than be alone.

* When am I going to lose it all? Rich men pay attention to fortunes lost all the 
time. The most recent example is Eike Batista who is estimated to have lost 
$33 billion dollars in 16 months as his conglomerate, OGX Petroleo & Gas 
Participacoes SA lost 90% of its value. Batista is still worth $200 million 
dollars, but still, that is a frightening fall. Given the paranoia of losing it all, 
allocate at least 20% of their net worth to risk free investments so that if things 
go to hell, they’ll still live a comfortable life. Rich men realize their wealth is 
an important reason why they have more selection.

* I hope she still loves me if I had no money. Rich men understand they are 
attracting more women than normal for their wealth, but every rich man hopes his 
woman loves him for who he is as a person. Rich men don’t want to feel like 
chumps who have to pay for companionship. As soon as a rich man feels the only 
reason why a woman is asking a man out so he can pay for dinner and a show, 
it’s game over.

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